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The Legend of Fuckman Fuck


Part 1. The Legend of Fuckman Fuck

Way back in the mists of time—no, I think it was 1991 actually—the legend of Fuckman Fuck was born in Nightcliff. I was walking home from a friend’s late one Friday night.

Fuckman Fuck was in front of the fence of the block of units at the corner of Progress Drive and Nightcliff Road, where a sign now proclaims proudly the suburb of Nightcliff.

He was shouting angrily over and over again, ”Fuck, man! Fuck!” whilst jumping up and down on the spot.

Catching sight of me on the other side of the road, he called out to me to come over. But sensing danger, I kept walking. Fuckman Fuck got agitated: “Youfuckenskinheadprickyouwannagethurt?”he called out as he tried to catch up with me. I couldn’t run fast because I was laughing so hard. There was a posse of youth coming along the bike path from the other direction. Seeing Fuckman Fuck they too cracked up laughing.

But all these years later, the question I ask is:Who WAS Fuckman Fuck? Was he an alien who had just been beamed down into Nightcliff from a UFO and wanted to be taken to our leader? Or was he perhaps a drunken Friday night yobbo looking for a fight? The answer is, we’ll probably never know.

In a way, the appearance of Fuckman Fuck marked Nightcliff’s coming of age as a suburb. When we think of this legend we realise what it means to be a resident of Nightcliff. Next time someone abuses you out of the blue on the streets of Nightcliff, just remember this and have a laugh!!

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